Saturday 27th of July 2024 |
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Jordan sends 91 new food aid trucks to Gaza


Roya News


The Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO) on Saturday confirmed that a new convoy of 91 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid had crossed from Jordan to Gaza.
The total number of aid trucks that entered Gaza since the start of the aggression has reached 1,412, while the number of planes that took off from Jordan to Gaza via Arish stands at 53.
This effort was in partnership with the World Food Programme, Qatar Red Crescent, Threed, Tkiyet Um Ali, Rawabi Farah, donations from the Iraqi people, Sayyed Muqtada al-Sadr, the Singaporean organization "Humanity Matters," and the Pakistani organization "Khidmat."
The Jordanian Armed Forces, since the start of the aggression on Gaza, have carried out 94 airdrops, with an additional 244 airdrops conducted in cooperation with allied and friendly nations, according to a statement from the Arab Army.

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