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Senate president urges lawyer to expose Israeli violations


The Jordan Times


AMMAN — Senate President Faisal Fayez on Saturday called on Arab lawyers to make every effort to expose Israeli violations of international legitimacy and the UN Charter, and to condemn Israeli criminal policies while affirming the Palestinian people's right to freedom and independence.
Fayez made his remarks while attending the opening of an international conference on "The UN Charter and International Legitimacy," organised by the Arab Organisation of Young Lawyers in Amman, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. 
He said that Arab lawyers are required to restore the legitimacy of just Arab causes and work with global human rights institutions to end the suffering of the Palestinian people and in other Arab countries.
Fayez questioned the role of the UN, its charter, and values concerning the war and heinous massacres committed by Israel, especially since the UN was established after the devastation of World War II to protect and maintain international peace and security, resolve conflicts, prevent their occurrence, and promote international cooperation.
He also urged international organisations to defend the freedom, right to life and dignity of people, noting that the number of Palestinians who lost their lives due to the Israeli aggression has reached around 39,000 and 90,000 injured, the majority of whom are women and children, in addition to about 10,000 missing persons.
He also referred to the inability of the UN and the Security Council to implement the UN Charter and international humanitarian law and to put an end to the brutal massacres and war crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinian people. 
The Senate president also highlighted the failure to end the occupation that has lasted for nearly eight decades, despite dozens of UN resolutions that remain unimplemented.
Fayez added that the UN has failed to implement the principles for which it was established, as it has not been able to prevent conflicts, wars, and division, noting that the Palestinian people are still suffering from the longest occupation in human history due to the UN's inability to enforce its decisions.
He highlighted Jordan's support, under the leadership of His Majesty King Abdullah, for the Palestinian cause and the struggle of the Palestinian people, as well as the Kingdom's continuous efforts to stop the brutal Israeli aggression, strongly oppose Israel's expansionist policies, and counter all conspiracies against our nation.
President of the Arab Organisation of Young Lawyers Alaa Abbadi called for activating international agreements, foremost among them the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1973.

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