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Report: Trump previously donated $6,000 to Harris’s attorney general campaigns


Roya News


The New York Times (NYT) revealed records showing that Trump made two financial contributions to Harris's political campaigns during her tenure as California Attorney General.
In 2011, Trump donated USD 5,000 to Harris's re-election campaign for Attorney General. This contribution was followed by an additional USD 1,000 donation in 2013. 
At the time of these donations, Trump was embroiled in legal controversies related to Trump University, which was facing allegations of defrauding students.
The timing of these donations has sparked speculation, particularly because Harris's office did not take action against Trump University. 
However, officials from Harris's office have consistently stated that the donations had no influence on their decision-making processes regarding Trump University. 
They emphasized that the office's decisions were based on legal considerations and evidence, not political contributions.

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