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Dughmi highlights Palestinian cause at NAM meet in Baku


The Jordan Times


AMMAN — Jordan will always stay an Arab and Islamic supporter of moderation that shuns terrorism and extremism and seeks to realise the good of the entire humanity, Lower House Speaker Abdulkarim Dughmi said on Thursday.
Dughmi’s remarks came during a speech he delivered at the Baku Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement Parliamentary Network, held in Azerbaijan with regional and international parliamentary participations, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.
The speaker reiterated the right of the Palestinian people to build their independent state on national soil with East Jerusalem as its capital, reaffirming the Hashemite Custodianship over Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.
He also called on international organisations and parliamentarian blocs to urge major countries, mainly those sponsoring peace, to seek to activate UN resolutions that stipulate fair solutions to the Palestinian issue through making Israel, the occupying power, to commit to these resolutions.
Dughmi also stressed that the key to peace in the world and in the Middle East is through a just solution to the Palestinian issue.
The speaker noted that the participation of the Lower House in this conference is part of its role as an effective member in the network and the House’s conformity to the theme of the conference: “Boosting the role of national parliaments in promoting global peace and sustainable development.”
He also stressed that the Jordanian Parliament supports the conference’s work and all joint topics with mutual interest, noting that the Parliament will work to provide the necessary ground to implement several outcomes of the event.
The Lower House Speaker referred to the repercussions of the Ukrainian crisis that have caused a “state of polarisation in the world among international sides”, where the “conflict sounds the alarm of a new cold war to re-divide the world into blocs and spheres of influence”.
The Kingdom, over the past decades, has suffered from the instability in the Middle East as a result of wars and forced displacement, which were mainly caused by the “Zionist occupation” of Arab lands, according to Dughmi.
He also referred to the ramifications of the Syrian crisis and Iraq’s instability, which have contributed to the spread of terrorism and extremism and hindered the development process, contributing to losses at the human and infrastructure levels in various regional counties.
Dughmi also highlighted Jordan’s stance on these crises through calling for solutions that preserve the territorial integrity of Syria and Iraq and non-interference in their domestic affairs.

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