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Political Ignorance: The Story of Ahmed - By ZAIDOON ALHADID, Jordan News



 In a bustling popular neighborhood, where the sounds of daily life intertwine with the fragrance of history, lives my friend "Ahmed," a thirty-year-old young man. Like many others, Ahmed paid little attention to the upcoming parliamentary elections, or even to previous ones. The political world seemed distant and complex to him, and he felt disconnected from it. 

I met him at a popular café in downtown Amman, a place I love. A group of friends gathered to discuss life and work, and I listened as they talked about the upcoming elections. However, all I heard were conflicting opinions; one praised a certain party, while another expressed distrust in any party. Ahmed, who knew little about political programs, felt hesitant.

When I asked about the election date, Ahmed began to wonder: "How can I vote if I don’t know anything about the parties? What’s the difference between the general list and the local list?"

I explained, "Political parties compete to present the best programs, but it’s important for us to research and understand who truly represents us." I started to explain how he could cast his vote when he went to polling stations, mentioning that he would receive two ballots: one for local lists and another for national or general lists. As I spoke, I noticed that the others around us were also listening intently, so I directed my words to everyone present.

In that moment, I realized that Ahmed wasn’t alone in his political ignorance; many of my friends lacked sufficient knowledge about how to vote and the differences between local and general lists. I advised everyone to read articles, watch educational programs online, and understand the difference between the general list, which includes candidates from across the kingdom, and the local list, which features candidates representing their own region or district.

After our discussion, everyone went home, and Ahmed accompanied me to my car. I asked him to come back and share what he had learned after taking my advice and educating himself about the voting process.

Indeed, days later, Ahmed returned, filled with enthusiasm and new knowledge from everything he had read. As we exchanged thoughts, I sensed his growing passion, as if he had become more aware of the importance of his vote.

From this experience, I decided to write this article in the form of a story, even if brief, to highlight that many of us are like Ahmed. We must challenge political ignorance and arm ourselves with information, as knowledge is power. Awareness is the key to building the future. Let us prepare for elections with consciousness and ensure our voices reflect our aspirations and ambitions. Ultimately, everyone should know that each of our votes makes a difference in our future.


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