The Jordan Times
AMMAN — Khalil Abdallat, director of the Human Rights Unit in the Prime Ministry, underscored the significant contributions of His Highness Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah II, the Crown Prince, in promoting youth engagement in human rights and fostering peaceful societies.
This was emphasised during the opening of a symposium on the universal periodic review mechanism of human rights in Aqaba on Thursday, attended by representatives from civil society organisations and youth, according to a statement by the Prime Ministry.
Abdallat noted that the Security Council Resolution No. 2250, adopted in December 2015, was initiated by Jordan and supported by Crown Prince Hussein, who presided over a Security Council session on “Maintaining International Peace and Security: The Role of Youth in Combating Extremism and Promoting Peace”. The resolution recognises the role of youth in building peace from an international peace and security perspective.
He highlighted Jordan’s unwavering commitment to enhancing the national human rights system, emphasising the importance of involving all societal members, including civil society institutions and youth, in this process.
“The universal periodic review of human rights mechanism is a powerful tool for promoting a culture of respect for human rights at the national level, providing states with the opportunity to showcase their achievements and receive recommendations from other member states on improving their human rights record,” Abdallat said.
He added that Jordan takes pride in its distinguished record of interaction with the universal periodic review mechanism, having submitted its last report in Geneva in 2024, which received high appreciation from the international community.
Abdallat emphasised the crucial role of civil society institutions in implementing the comprehensive national plan for human rights, noting that their participation ensures representation of all community opinions in policy formulation and implementation.
He also discussed the National Youth Strategy 2019-2025, which aims to cultivate a generation capable of creativity, innovation and high productivity. This strategy, reflecting the high level of interest from His Majesty King Abdullah II and Crown Prince Hussein, directs the government to develop a youth strategy reflecting the state’s increasing interest in this vital sector.
Regarding the Hussein Bin Abdullah II Award for Volunteer Work, launched by the Crown Prince in 2021, Abdallat remarked, “The award aims to promote a culture of volunteerism, stimulate individual and institutional efforts, and enhance social responsibility. It appreciates the efforts of distinguished volunteerism with a positive impact on sustainable development.”
Ramzi Kabariti, commissioner of Youth and Entrepreneurship in the Aqaba Regional Economic Authority, highlighted the authority’s role in supporting youth initiatives by providing necessary opportunities and funding to contribute to regional development and achieve economic and social progress.
He expressed readiness to offer technical support and implement human rights recommendations.
Abdul Rahim Zawahra, director general of the All Jordan Youth Commission, stressed that promoting a culture of human rights is a shared responsibility involving the government, civil society institutions and individuals.
He reiterated their commitment to raising awareness of human rights, enhancing young people’s capabilities in this field, and equipping them with the knowledge and skills to be human rights ambassadors in their communities.