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Fair, free elections gov’t’s top political priority — PM


The Jordan Times


Following is the unofficial translation of Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour’s reply to the Letter of Designation:
In the Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful
Your Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al-Hussein,
Peace and God’s blessing be upon you, our King and leader of the reforms,
The trust you have in me and my ministerial team is a national and historic responsibility, especially since it comes at a critical time, as Your Majesty indicated in the Letter of Designation. Therefore, we pledge before God and before you and the noble Jordanian people, who are the dearest to your heart as always, to work as a harmonious team with the highest sense of responsibility and spirit of patriotism, aware of the complexity and criticality of the current situation. The Letter of Designation will be our guide and we will communicate with every component of the Jordanian people and political powers so as to be up to your confidence, seeking achievements that will crown the national process, God willing.
Your Majesty,
We will embark on our mission by focusing on the top priority you have defined: the parliamentary elections. We will meet your expectations and those of the Jordanians, who exhibit a high level of awareness and eagerness to take part in the process and make positive and constructive changes. We will provide great support for the Independent Elections Commission as it carries out its national mission of administering and overseeing the upcoming parliamentary polls. We will harness all the government’s capabilities to render the landmark elections a success, under the guidelines set by the commission.
The goal Your Majesty has set is clear, and so is the path leading to it: fair, free, transparent and flawless parliamentary elections that will enhance the public’s confidence in the state. The government, as you expect, will lead dialogue with all political, partisan and social powers, without discrimination or preferential treatment, to encourage them to effectively take part in the elections.
This commitment on the part of my government comes out of its belief in the significance of the transitional role you have assigned to us. We believe in and are aware of our role as a bridge that Jordan and its people will cross into a stage of parliamentary governments, where the individual will be at “the heart of the decision-making process” and a true partner in drawing up future policies.
Your Majesty,
My long journey and experience in the field of public service have rendered me a devoted soldier who believes in building on accumulated achievements. The ministerial team is committed to building on the achievements of previous governments and will adopt all cross-government issues and priorities, despite the limited time allowed by the Constitution for this government. We will be keen on achievement, taking the time limit as an incentive rather than an excuse to delay work and leave behind unfinished business.
In this context, the government will seek a positive outcome as it resumes work on municipal elections in line with relevant laws, in a bid to translate Your Majesty’s vision into reality and reach a new milestone in reforms seeking to widen representation.
Your pioneering stand on the Arab Spring, our exemplary and blooming Jordanian Spring, and your early, apt and wise response to the just demands of our people, along with the endeavour to adopt these demands and turn them into an opportunity, places the government on the front line in terms of its responsibility to maintain a civilised manner of responding to all forms of legal and peaceful protests that are open to diversity and differences in views. A key element in such an approach, as Your Majesty has stated, is that there is no compromise over the security of the country, the safety of the people, and the rule of law and order.
As you expect, Your Majesty, this government will be committed to providing all the necessary support for the judiciary so that it will be able to fully implement its plans and programmes, improve the performance of its facilities and agencies, and expedite litigation.
The current phase of reform has seen several achievements and the emergence of democratic institutions, foremost of which is the Constitutional Court, the guardian of rights and freedoms. The government is committed to respecting the rulings of this court and cooperating with it.
Your Majesty,
You have directed this government to set guidelines for civil service appointments and promotions, especially in top posts. We understand that you need such guidelines to provide a solid guarantee to prevent wasta and favouritism. The envisioned guidelines will aptly serve that purpose, God willing, and will be worked out as soon as possible to lay the foundations for a sound, transparent and impartial system to evaluate top posts, for the sake of the public good.
The government is also aware of the critical economic conditions in Jordan. We realise that it is part of our responsibility to stand up in the face of economic challenges so as to fortify the reforms and the democratisation process, which you have relentlessly worked to achieve.
The vision you presented and the economic, fiscal and social responsibilities you have entrusted us to handle will be the guideline for the government’s action plans. Your directives in this regard have been based on a correct diagnosis and have provided us with the best approach to handle Jordan’s economy at the current stage, an approach that all reasonable people, experts and objective observers agree with. Our motto will be: prudence, courage in decision making, justice and transparent implementation.
Within this context, the government will respond by preparing a medium-term budget that will be ready for examination by the upcoming Parliament and government. As we draft the budget, we will observe the highest standards of fiscal discipline. The budget will also take into consideration the requirements of the economic and fiscal reform programme prepared by previous governments, winning the support of international financial institutions, as it is designed to address the economic and fiscal imbalances and attract more investments. It is also expected to restore economic momentum in line with an institutional approach that will rebalance public finances and the balance of payments, protect fiscal and monetary stability and lead us to achieve the compelling economic goals. Foremost of these is to enhance the international community’s confidence in the national economy and boost self-reliance.
One of the key priorities we will deal with is to confront the repercussions of the difficult projected economic and financial conditions. The criterion we will adopt is not populism, but justice manifested in sharing responsibility with the future generations and the fair distribution of economic burdens in a way that ensures a decent living for all.
After thorough study, the government will build on efforts by previous governments to work out a mechanism to redirect subsidies to those who deserve them. Finalising such a plan and implementing it will be based on an open and transparent dialogue with all stakeholders, without exception. The decision must be based on a national consensus, according to Your Majesty’s directives. Our responsibility here is to work out the fair and feasible formula of support our people deserve: one that helps us address fiscal imbalances and direct resources to productive projects and sectors that add value and reflect positively on our economy and on all classes, especially the middle class and the limited and low-income segments. Another priority is the completion of the consumer protection law to protect citizens against inflation.
The government will exert its utmost efforts to encourage and attract investments and employ Jordan’s edge, manifested in security and stability, to maximise the Kingdom’s share in regional and international investments. We are aware that this goal is vital in our efforts to combat unemployment and poverty and implement development programmes and job-generating projects in all sectors.
Your Majesty,
The government is fully aware of the devastating effects of corruption on the economic performance of the state and society, on the one hand, and on the public’s confidence and approval of the state on the other. Therefore, the government will work on drafting a charter to enhance integrity, transparency, accountability, justice and equal opportunity and contribute to the fight against wasta and favouritism.
When the charter is in place, it will be a first step towards strengthening the integrity system and all agencies pertaining to it. Under your directives, we will work to institutionalise the work of monitoring agencies, the mechanisms of cooperation among them and the role each plays in line with the relevant laws. The aim behind that is to address the loopholes in the process of confronting, with utter firmness and transparency, all suspected cases of corruption and referring them to the judiciary. We will also continue support for the Anti-Corruption Commission and all monitoring agencies so as to enable them to perform their job as perfectly as possible.
Your Majesty,
An honest observer on your efforts will clearly see your keenness to achieve fair and comprehensive development for the entire Kingdom. As such, the government will be committed to supporting the Governorates Development Fund, and will hasten the execution of projects as per the specified priorities. These steps will come as a translation of your directives on the importance of creating new job opportunities, and further strengthen the culture of business entrepreneurship. The new government will also create a mechanism to provide the necessary opportunities for small and soft loans in the underprivileged areas and those with special circumstances. These mechanisms will aim at encouraging the spirit of business entrepreneurship and lessen the dependence on government jobs. The government will actively communicate with the private sector and other competent civil institutions.
The new ministerial team understands the priorities relevant to boosting the basic services offered to citizens, especially in these political circumstances and the transformational phase towards an active Parliament — a partner in the formation of the government — as per Your Majesty’s vision. Field work, direct contact with the citizens, and positive interaction with their concerns will be the pillars of the government’s work methodology, and one of the most important ethics of public work — the work whose standards you directed us to elevate. The government will also pay special attention to caring for people with disabilities and other vulnerable social groups. We will base our work on the recommendations and outcomes of the investigative committee on the violations in care centres for persons with disabilities, in all its dimensions. We consider Your Majesty’s firm position on the issues of people with disabilities a national lesson and a moral value we will uphold. This group should be guarded by all Jordanians loyal to their legacy of principles that calls for strengthening the weak and oppressed.
Your Majesty,
I was honoured to serve and work in various Jordanian economic institutions and I’ve witnessed details, developments and changes in the national economic approach. This government, and its economic team specifically, realises the dangers that come from having society form their beliefs on economic policies through impressions and populist policies, with crucial and reliable information lacking, and without seeing the big picture and the historical context underlying any economic approach. On that note, the government is committed to implementing your directives on the formation of an economic and social expert committee to supervise economic and social policies, especially on privatisation transactions implemented by consecutive governments since the financial crisis in 1989. The committee will evaluate the true impact of these on the national economy, basing their work on facts, not impressions, rumours and character assassination. The process will be transparent and responsible as per Your Majesty’s directives. We will provide the citizens with all the facts and information, rendering the products of this committee inputs for future policies. The government, since it first assumed its responsibilities, has prioritised energy issues. We, Your Majesty, realise the impact of the energy bill on our country’s economy and capabilities. Basing our work on your directives, we will ensure Jordan’s economic decisions will not remain hostage to its energy bill and the consequences of its subsidies. The constant fluctuation in international energy prices, in addition to the instability of Egypt’s gas, puts the energy supply at the top of our responsibilities. This government’s contribution will not be reluctance in facing the energy challenge, creating a dim reality for the future, where future generations of Jordanians will have to choose between energy or education, God forbid. Moreover, the government will enact policies and programmes that will ensure diversity in the energy supply and its strategic projects. The ministerial team sees these projects as a necessity for our national security, not just another option for development.
Your Majesty,
You have alerted the government to the importance of positive work and openness with the media — the patriotic and responsible media that you wanted to serve as a tribune for the issues of the homeland, in a professional and responsible manner, without slander, accusations of treason, blackmail, or personal agendas. The government is determined to deal transparently and positively with a patriotic, responsible media in all its forms as a true national partner, relying on the tools made available by the national strategy to enable the media to better serve the nation and the citizens. We will positively cooperate with the various media institutions to cultivate a culture of productive dialogue: an exigency of the democratic transformation Jordan is witnessing.
The Cabinet members, Your Majesty, are, like most fair-minded Jordanians, aware of the responsibilities of the Jordan Armed Forces and the security apparatus and the efforts they put in to protect our developmental gains and the reforms achieved under your leadership. The government will not spare any effort to support and empower our army and security bodies who watch over our nation and its citizens.
Since your reign began, Your Majesty, you have contributed through your awareness, wisdom, and foresight in establishing a foreign policy pillared on moderation, cooperation, structuring, and taking national and humanitarian responsibilities in our Arab and regional environment, as well as the world. We are proud that Jordan’s name is a synonym for what is positive, constructive, and fair in the political and international arenas. Derived from that, the government is committed to the national humanitarian position towards our brethren refugees from Syria. The government will work on coordinating the capabilities available for relief to maintain the level of services offered to them, and will be steadfast on proper preparations for the winter season in the refugee camp.
This government will stand where you directed it to in regards to supporting the just Arab and Islamic causes. It will be keen on developing mechanisms for joint Arab action, and will defend the true Islam based on the Amman Message: a historic achievement in which we show the world our moderation, wisdom and aspiration to maintain the unity of the nation.
Touching on the first Arab and Islamic issue, the Palestinian cause, it is a wound inflected upon every decent human being in this nation. This government, as perunder your directives, will support our Palestinian brothers and sisters in their fair endeavour to establish an independent Palestinian state on the Palestinian national soil.
The government will do all that is in its power, and will work around the clock, to be worthy of the trust of Your Majesty and the people, in harmony, responsibility, solidarity and with a team spirit. With your Royal trust as the core, we will double our efforts and mobilise the trustworthy to take Jordan, under your leadership, towards a new chapter of democratic transformation, while empowering the citizens, under a loyal, Hashemite homage, which will be the core in assuming these national responsibilities that pave the way for the critical, upcoming phase after the elections. The next phase will result in a new parliament that establishes a new transformation towards parliamentary governments. I submit to Your Majesty the names of the ministers, pleading their acceptance, and ask God almighty to help us in assume our responsibilities and translate your wise directives into a tangible reality, and for God to bless you and keep you to save this country and better its path.
Peace and God’s mercy and blessings upon you,
Your loyal servant Dr. Abdullah Ensour
05 Dhul Qadah 1433
10 October 2012

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