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Bulgarian community in Jordan celebrates the Day of the Bulgarian alphabet and culture


The Jordan Times


AMMAN — On Friday, in the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Jordan, one of the brightest Bulgarian holidays was celebrated — the Day of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius and the Bulgarian alphabet, enlightenment and culture, according to a statement for The Jordan Times.
The celebration included a cultural programme prepared by the students of the Bulgarian Sunday School “St.Cyril and Methodius” in Amman, with their principal Maria Cherkеzova. The event gathered the children, their parents, and guests who enjoyed the official holiday and marked the importance of preserving the Bulgarian culture and language abroad. The programme also included Bulgarian folk dances performed by the students, songs, and poems, creating a unique Bulgarian atmosphere, the statement said.
The event was special because the Bulgarian Sunday School in Jordan celebrated its 5th anniversary. The Ambassador Metin Kazak gave commemorative plaques to the teachers and the people who support the school over the years — Maria Cherkezova, Siika Abawi and Elena Jaber - teachers, Haidar Ali, Ali Fayez and Nabil Bakri.
“I would like to express my sincerest wishes to those who teach our children the greatest treasure on Earth. Dear teachers, I wish you good health, inspiration and dedication in your mission to maintain the Bulgarian culture, history, and traditions,” said Ambassador Kazak in his greeting and wished the children to grab handfuls of knowledge from their teachers, according to the statement.
The celebration on the 24th of May at the Bulgarian Embassy in Jordan was an experience that united the Bulgarian community and filled everyone with enthusiasm and faith in Bulgarian culture and traditions.

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