Friday 5th of July 2024 |
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Planning minister hosts third meeting of development partners group


The Jordan Times


AMMAN — Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Zeina Toukan on Monday stressed the importance of continuing to coordinate the efforts of the international community working in Jordan to support development priorities and implementing the executive programme for the Economic Modernisation Vision (2023-2025). Toukan, chairing the third meeting of the Development Partners Group in Jordan, which includes representatives of the donor community, international financial institutions, and UN organisations, expressed gratitude to the international community for supporting the Kingdom, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported. Representatives of international partners in Jordan, led by the United Nations, the World Bank, and the USAID, established this group at the beginning of 2024 to serve as a platform to assist international partners and the Jordanian government in enhancing collective efforts to achieve the modernisation agenda. The meeting focused on the Economic Modernisation Vision and its executive programme, reviewed the three modernisation pathways, highlighted the key achievements within the executive programme, and outlined the programme's priorities for 2024.

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