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Jordan condemns Israeli attack on refugee camp near UNRWA headquarters in Rafah


The Jordan Times


AMMAN — Jordan on Monday decried the ongoing war crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip, the latest being Sunday's bombing of a refugee camp near the UN Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) headquarters in western Rafah. 
A Foreign Ministry statement described the act as a flagrant defiance of the rulings of the International Court of Justice and a serious violation of international and humanitarian law.
Sufyan Qudah, the ministry's spokesperson, stressed the Kingdom's condemnation of these actions, which are in flagrant violation of international law and humanitarian principles, contradict all human and ethical values, and constitute war crimes. 
Qudah urged the international community to take immediate and effective action to oblige Israel to take responsibility for its practices and to stop its continuous violations of international law and humanitarian law. 
He stressed the need to ensure the protection of innocent civilians in Gaza, relief organisations and their staff, in particular UNRWA, which has a vital humanitarian role in providing aid and services to the Palestinians in occupied Palestine, including the Gaza Strip.

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