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Haifa Wehbe and Maya Diab are plastic beauties, says Egyptian icon Nahed Yusri


Egypt's original sex symbol Nahed Yusri hasn't been seen in front of the camera for thirty years, but that doesn't mean she no longer has a smoking hot delivery!

According to StepFeed, the iconic model and actress hates the “plastic beauty” of today’s female celebrities. “We were beautiful without all the silicone, fake hair, lenses and plastic surgeries. We used to wear revealing clothes, but now they just sculpt their bodies with surgeries, and of course I see – just like the rest of the audience – that Haifa and Maya are beautiful, but their beauty is stiff like a cup of tea with 10 spoons of sugar,” she said.

Yusri began modelling at 16, and was the darling of Arab cinema, often starring in films that pushed the envelope for steaminess. “Girls from our generation never waited for equality. I was a model and an actress, I was educated and when I when I got married I told my husband ‘I am not the daughter of [Sheikh Mohammad] Al-Sha’rawi, I act wearing a swimsuit, there’s nudity and kissing’ – that’s my job, I chose it, I love it,” Yusri told StepFeed.

She believes that today's female celebrities today are nothing compared to screen stars of yesteryear such as Hind Rostom, whom Yusri believes to be the pinnacle of seduction in Arab cinema.

At 66, the former screen siren chooses to wear the veil, insisting that her husband has never prevented her from pursuing her career or lifestyle. She says she has no regrets about putting her marriage and family before her stardom.

“I haven’t officially retired until today and my husband never forced me into anything,” she told StepFeed.

“But producers won’t leave women with puffed-up lips and breasts and look at me.”


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