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Why Doesn’t Biden Want to Quit? - By Mamdouh al-Muhainy, Asharq Al-Awsat



 Biden and his Democratic opponents are going through a period of discovering the other for who he really is. The first did not expect that they would be so unfaithful and ready to sacrifice and attack him, and they did not imagine that he would cling to power to this degree.
The media tried to compliment Biden, but they were shocked by the debate, which revealed that they were betting on a losing horse and wanted to get rid of him. However, they were disturbed by his stubbornness and refusal to quit his seat. On the other hand, he thought that their violent attacks would be directed at his opponent, but he woke up with their knives stuck in his back, while they ignored in one moment, all of his achievements, which they had promoted over the past three and a half years.
One of the strangest scenes these days is seeing Biden assuming the same role that Trump played previously. That is, he challenges the political institution, the media and intellectual elites who want to overthrow him. He insists on remaining in office and wants to prove them wrong. They were outright enemies of Trump; but in Biden’s case, the situation is more difficult because they were his friends and turned against him just because of a “bad night,” as he justifies himself.
But those who think that Biden will withdraw easily are mistaken, and this is evident in his recent stances. In his last interview, not only was he non hesitant to present himself as the most fit to rule and defeat Trump, but he indirectly and deliberately belittled the importance of competitors, including his own deputy. For him, he is the most capable and worthy, and no one else is.
Biden is like any other politician. He clings to power and does not want to leave it, even if he is eighty years old, and doubts surround his mental abilities. Why couldn’t he just give up his seat easily?
His biography and personality say it all. He spent many years in political circles dreaming of this position, which he attained in the autumn of life. It is not easy for him to abandon it now. Biden feels that he has worked a long time to get his chance after being ignored for many decades, and that he has proven over the past years that he is a successful president despite everything that has been said about him.
It is known that his relationship with Obama was damaged after the latter nominated Hillary Clinton instead of him to confront Trump in 2015. He felt that his former boss underestimated his value and did not see him as possessing the competency required for the position of president. On a personal level, he seems full of strong emotions, as he talks about the death of his wife and child in a car accident, and his son years later with cancer, but he is not Nelson Mandela.
The Afghanistan envoy, Richard Holbrooke, reveals a lowly, unprincipled person demanding a complete and immediate departure from Afghanistan. When he disagreed with him on the grounds that he would endanger the lives of thousands of Afghan women and children, he shouted: Screw that! What’s important is that we do not lose the 2012 elections. This is what he did later when he was president, when he decided to withdraw despite knowing that the Taliban would return to power and that women would face a difficult fate.
But he decided to do so because it was in his best interest to run for a second term.
The reality is that he is not an opportunist, but rather a professional and trained politician, who uses the story of his family’s tragedy to achieve his goals, and rejects any personal principles or morals that come against the interests of his party or the vision of his administration.
At one time, he seemed brave, saying what he believed in without hesitation, such as his correct statement decades ago that the problems of the black community were the absence of fathers, not racism. But this speech was used by his opponents, and even his current deputy, to take revenge on him, turning it into a “taboo” that is forbidden to talk about in recent years, and only racists dare to say it.
That’s why he seemed broken and humiliated, despite the soundness of his argument every time this topic was raised. He apologizes for what is morally and mentally right so that he is allowed to stay in office. For all these reasons, uprooting him is not easy. He will remain in his seat and use all his cards and skills until the last minute!


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