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Celebrating the Royal wedding, Jordanian hearts beat as one - By KHALID DALAL, Jordan News



 The atmosphere across the Kingdom is abuzz with excitement, and messages of congratulations are decorating the streets, malls, shops and almost everywhere.

As HRH Crown Prince Hussein and Ms Rajwa Al Saif prepare to wed on June 1, a twinge of excitement and pride sits in the heart of every Jordanian.

The joy of the Royal family permeates far and wide across the nation, with every father and mother feeling as though their own son is about to tie the knot.

This heartwarming occasion perfectly encapsulates the collective sentiment.

The joy of the Royal family permeates far and wide across the nation, with every father and mother feeling as though their own son is about to tie the knot.

Tarfa Obeidat, an 83-year-old grandmother affectionately known as Umm Muhannad, nestled in the town of Hartha in Irbid, felt compelled to extend a spontaneous invitation to Crown Prince Hussein to deliver her heartfelt congratulations.

In a display of love, Umm Muhannad presented the Crown Prince with a meticulously hand-knitted red Shemagh embellished with ornamental edges. This traditional headdress, symbolizing Jordanian pride, carries immense significance. Typically, mothers painstakingly adorn it to present to their sons on special occasions. In Umm Muhannad's gesture is a profound message: "You are our son and source of pride."

The Crown Prince's fellow brothers-in-arms within the military unit he serves organized a joyous celebration to mark the occasion. The 40th King Hussein bin Talal Royal Armored Brigade’s personnel, of the Central Military Region, orchestrated an evening filled with captivating folk dances, melodic songs, tug of war games and other activities.

Expressing his gratitude, the Crown Prince took to Instagram, acknowledging the warm welcome and the beautiful Shemagh gifted by the gracious women of Irbid and the celebrations with his brothers in arms.

Brimming with excitement and happiness, Jordanians are expressing their boundless joy and unwavering affection for a Royal Family that feels as intimately connected to them as their own parents, children, and siblings.

The excitement surrounding this momentous event even transcended borders, capturing the attention of international media.

Renowned magazines, like People, have delved into the details of the wedding preparations, from the dress code to the specially designed logo for the occasion, fueling the growing anticipation leading up to the grand day. Hello magazine, on the other hand, eagerly explores the esteemed guest list, boasting a significant number of royal dignitaries from around the world. Tatler magazine has dedicated a feature to the "who's who" attending the nuptials of His Highness the Crown Prince, vividly portraying the grandeur and global significance of the event.

Brimming with excitement and happiness, Jordanians are expressing their boundless joy and unwavering affection for a Royal Family that feels as intimately connected to them as their own parents, children, and siblings.

The love and admiration for the Royal Family are palpable throughout the Kingdom, and the forthcoming wedding symbolizes the unity of the Jordanian people.

Congratulations, Your Highness. Your wedding has showcased to the world the unwavering unity between our nation and our leadership. Thank you.


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