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“Israel” urges 25 nations to oppose ICC’s Netanyahu, Gallant arrest warrants


Roya News


“Israel’s” Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, contacted 25 global counterparts, urging them to intervene against the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) arrest warrants for “Israeli” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.
Katz asked these nations to follow Britain’s lead in submitting legal opinions to the ICC in The Hague. The aim is to challenge the Chief Prosecutor’s request and persuade the court’s judges to dismiss it.
Senior foreign ministry officials believe that if several countries submit such legal opinions, the judges may be convinced to reject the Prosecutor’s request, according to the “Israeli” news site Walla.
In May, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan announced that he had requested arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, citing allegations of "war crimes" and "crimes against humanity" in the Gaza Strip.
In response, Britain requested a hearing on June 10 to discuss the ICC's jurisdiction over “Israeli” citizens.
The ICC judges accepted Britain’s request and called for legal opinions on the matter by July 12, inviting other interested countries to submit their views as well.
In light of the upcoming deadline, a senior “Israeli” official revealed that the foreign ministry has formed a special working team to handle the arrest warrant crisis.
This team is focused on mobilizing legal support from countries worldwide to prepare for the 12 July deadline.

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