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Arab Parliament hails Kingdom's rejection of Arab forces deployment to Gaza


The Jordan Times


AMMAN — The Arab Parliament on Thursday commended Jordan's stance, rejecting the deployment of Arab forces to the Gaza Strip after the end of the war.
In a statement, the Parliament underscored that this stance reflects the Kingdom’s unwavering support for the Palestinian people, particularly during their current crisis marked by the occupation’s atrocities in Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories.
The Arab Parliament reiterated its support for Jordan’s position, emphasising that the Gaza Strip cannot be treated separately from the broader Palestinian territories.
It also called for an immediate and lasting ceasefire, holding war criminals accountable for their actions, the Jordan News Agency, Petra reported.
The Arab Parliament also reiterated the need for a comprehensive plan to achieve a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace based on the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, highlighting that the two-state solution is the only way to achieve security and stability in the region.

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